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Thursday 7 March 2013

The Corner is Alive

This blog corner focuses on every hot topic around the global village, any topic that comes to mind is covered. Remembering when one was young and would gather with the kids from around the neighbourhood, meet at a certain time at a very specific street corner or curve.  The conversation would then start and 4 hours later we would have covered from current affairs, latest fashion trends, lifestyle, love and relationships, business ventures, wealthy people, opinions on sensitive issues,’ too many to mention’. By the end of the day there is so much information one gathered, making myself a ‘walking press release’.

Now this corner belongs to me and I run this one, I share what I want, whenever I feel like and there is no pressure to belong by this corner.

I feel like a little kid who is about to take a ride on my very first bicycle. So many things to post about, because it’s the first one, it must special I think that the ladies would agree with me on that one. I've finally joined the bloggers world and I will certainly keep it fresh and entertaining, to clear the air this is not a diary. 

Much Love

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