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Thursday 9 May 2013


So, I’m walking the streets of PTA CBD, minding my own business, pumping music using my oversized headphones thanks to HANSA®.  Smiling at everyone whom I catch eye-contact with, now the issue comes in when you look at someone in the eye they don’t smile back at you *RUDE*, walking around as if they about to commit suicide. Personally I think there’s no trick or special skill one has to have to smile, a friend of mine posted a statement on BBM simply tasking his contacts to smile for the whole day and give feedback. That worked to a certain degree,  however because sub-consciously people over process their thoughts what happens is that in no time their back to square one-FROWN-. 

Firstly, the definition of a smile (verb, used without object)- to assume a facial expression indicating pleasure, favour, or amusement, but sometime derision or scorn, characterized by an upturning of the corners of the mouth. At least do me a favour and smile back at me #justsaying. Secondly, smiling enhances sex appeal and physical attractiveness to the opposite gender, be careful how send your signal. Thirdly it takes 72 muscles to frown, only 14 to smile (encyclopedia of 7700 illustrations, 1979) do the math here.

Lastly if all fails, head down to your local GP and ask him/her for a valium/prozac prescription, definitely with no doubt will get you smiling for no reason. Just Smile.

Much Love


Tuesday 16 April 2013

The making of a champion, “against all odds”

Valentino Rossi in the making? O hell ya... With this new evolution of black brothers riding superbikes to be the cool kids on the block spsssst, wait a second, this brother here rides on the track. Young, ambitious with so much potential at hand, I kid you not, Themba will be the first South African to win the world motorcycle championship.
Themba Khumalo is natural on a bike, with a combination of raw and nurtured talent that sets him apart from other racers makes him a born champion.
Brag rights

  •   2008 – Mini Moto Champion
  •   2009 – defended title.( Only African rider to do this and also youngest Champion).
  •   2010 – 3rd Honda NSF 100 Cup.
  •   2010 – 17th Honda CBR 150 Cup.
  •   2010 – Selected to represent SA at International Honda NSF 100 Cup. Ruled out by age Rule.
  •   2011 - Sportsmanship Award for Youth in Motorsport Camp
  •   2011- European Junior Cup, finished 4th in Italy (could complete season due to insufficient funding. Also participated in the Holland race.)
  •   2011- Got selected for  Red Bull Motogp Rookies Cup Selection in Europe in Spain
  •   2012-Has finished in the top 3 (podium positions) a number of times this season and his finished 2nd in 4 of his first 5 Moto3 races to date.
  •   Sponsors: MSA, Full Throttle and Honda/Bike
I urge you to go and witness this talent on the track and be the judge, the next race is 20th April 2013 at Swartkop race course be there early 8 am. Though I will keep yal updated with Themba’s races and results.
If you also have any contacts for further funding/sponsors to see him finish a full season internationally flying the South African flag high, feel free to contact mother/manager: Fikile Khumalo:

Much Love

Monday 11 March 2013

Change the way you host

Once it’s weekend, odds are you will be invited to a braai or party better known as a chill sessions which always turn out wild, then gets classified as a party, regardless I've seen a trend which I don’t approve of.  Simply that people don’t socialize, you end up chilling with the crowd you came with, the host would come,  have an effortless conversation then rush off to handle meat or something*yawns*. I would seriously rather go clubbing.
It’s the hosts duty to ensure that people mingle and break boundaries (usually the cool kids don’t want to hang with unknowns). I've thought of a few guidelines on how to be the perfect host:
  • Ensure you introduce guests to each other
  • Plan drinking games
  • Shots should be given out every 30min
  • Make cocktails for your guests
  • Have a karaoke segment
  • Play some old school jams and see how it gets people talking (after all it’s a braai not a club)
  • Control your crowd
  • Music must not be loud, unless it’s the jika ma jika segment
  • Keep asking your guests if everything is still fine
  • A braai should end round 2am at the latest

P.S Remember ‘please everyone’.

Much Love

Thursday 7 March 2013

Treasure: The Artist U need to hear

So I get a call from treasure and he simply said to me you have to listen to this my brother, so in a few seconds he sends me an email, excited as I was opened and downloaded the attachment. My jaws dropped, all I could say was WOW. It tickled my soul immediately I knew this is the next big thing, don’t say i didn’t tell you so. Jazzy, mature, elegant, exuberant are just a few words to describe Treasure Maseko. His music is pure bliss, which he sings in both vernac and English, now the twist is that you have never heard a unique voice like this one, especially in siSwati.

Treasure is composer, arranger, producer and guitarist. His music is influenced by different genres. His sound is mostly influenced by R&B and smooth Jazz. He grew up mimicking the likes of Boyz 2 Men, Baby face, Ringo, Stimela to name a few. He is currently working on his Debut album which will be released soon.He has recorded 4 singles for the album, the songs are: Ngiyatiosola, Journey, The Light and Avatar. On the album he is working with professional musicians and Producers. Concord Nkabinde a world known Bassist producer is the Co-producer of Treasure_Music’s debut album. 

Album title ‘The Light’, the single is Journey, if you want to hear drop me a mail.
Follow treasure on Twitter : @Treasure_Music
Much Love

The Corner is Alive

This blog corner focuses on every hot topic around the global village, any topic that comes to mind is covered. Remembering when one was young and would gather with the kids from around the neighbourhood, meet at a certain time at a very specific street corner or curve.  The conversation would then start and 4 hours later we would have covered from current affairs, latest fashion trends, lifestyle, love and relationships, business ventures, wealthy people, opinions on sensitive issues,’ too many to mention’. By the end of the day there is so much information one gathered, making myself a ‘walking press release’.

Now this corner belongs to me and I run this one, I share what I want, whenever I feel like and there is no pressure to belong by this corner.

I feel like a little kid who is about to take a ride on my very first bicycle. So many things to post about, because it’s the first one, it must special I think that the ladies would agree with me on that one. I've finally joined the bloggers world and I will certainly keep it fresh and entertaining, to clear the air this is not a diary. 

Much Love